Write and Design the Above the Fold Section for the Site


Provided information:

Write and design the above the fold section of PetPal.

80% of the traffic is pet owners that are looking for a pet sitter; only 20% sign up as pet sitters.

That’s why the main messaging of the first 'above the fold' is focused on messaging for pet owners.



With pet owners comprising the majority of visitors to the site, the above the fold content needs to appeal to them with convincing text and a strong call to action.

Here, the headline is the same as the sign up on the app. The supporting text provides reasons to use the service, and under the CTA is a line of reassuring text (no credit card needed until first booking) and a point of differentiation (some sitters will accept exchange of accommodation as payment).


Suggested Text

Headline: Find a Pet Sitter You can Trust

Body Text: PetPal sitters go through an intensive vetting process.

Explore sitters by rate, experience, serviced offered, and reviews.

Button: Search for Pet Sitters

No credit card required until your first booking.

Some PetPal sitters accept accommodation as payment.

At bottom

Text: At PetPal, we love animals.

And people who love animals are our best friends.

(This text was provided as part of the product overview.)