Create a 404 Page


Provided information:

Your next mission is to create a 404 page for PetPal.

Remember, 404 pages can be fun, but they need to be functional too. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  • 404s are a common error when a page can’t be found.

  • PetPal’s 404 page may have a high impact on user frustration so we have to make sure we address their concerns.

  • The most common actions on the platform are to become a pet sitter or to sign up as a pet owner.

  • PetPal is hiring too.



In order to create a functional 404 page, I kept the copy short but informative and included relevant links. As for the “fun”, the choice of “Ruh Roh” (most commonly known as a comment by the cartoon dog, Scooby-Doo) might not be as recognized as hoped.

I opted for a header with PetPal branding and links to the service’s popular destinations: Find a Sitter and Become a Pet Sitter.

Suggested Text

Ruh Roh

Sorry, we can’t find that page.


Find a Pet Sitter / Become a Pet Sitter / PetPal is Hiring: View Jobs